Is Communication the problem?
June 17, 2016
DO you know nothing can stop u from being the person u choose to be today?!
October 2, 2016
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Life is Energy

Life is Energy! Marissa Lewis

Life is energy, we are all so capable of creating a moment to be amazing or destructive..

Make sure you be the force of high vibrations over low vibrations…

Choose to laugh out loud, over clenching your fists..

Choose to Smile over frowning, choose to understand over confusion,

Choose, happiness over sadness,

Choose trust over fear,

Choose the quiet hearts whisper ,over the minds noise ,

Choose to feel light over heavy,

Choose change over feeling stuck,

Choose appreciation over expectation ,

Choose belief over opinions,

Choose love over hate, and just  choose to fill your day with the most delicious thoughts, and go be AMAZING, the way you were born to be!

Love Marissa xx