Today I woke to the sound of the rain on the windows.
honestly its one of my favourite sounds that brings me
a sense of peace serenity and tranquility.
Yet today, the energy i immediately began to feel was different..
it was
yet nervous
yet excited
yet anxious
yet more exited than EVER!
my energy was rising and elevating quickly and
my thoughts were swirling like a tornado,
it was literally like i was getting shoulder tapped and nudged
by a force that was here to remind me of something Super important.
It was a moment where i truly felt my inner power to
create change in EVERYTHING internally and externally.
do you know what I’m talking about?
There was seriously like 100 ideas downloading
there was
Oh I could do this
OH I could i do that
oh i could create this
or i could create that
Oh I could invest in this
or i could invest in that,.
but hmmm what should i do first?…
i mean shit…
i have this whole day ahead of me
new air
new energy
new perspective
new love
Yes I had ALL of these thoughts.
But the most important one was this
“Marissa you have this brand new exciting day in your hands!
you have all of these opportunities to create love freedom and Joy,
and they ARE AMAZING and will drive you forward to propel your vision.”
this thought alone was INTENSE!
my heart beat started to race
it got faster
and faster
and faster
and faster..
and it was clear to me I had some serious decisions to make
because each of the ideas and that i was
downloading that i know will accelerate my results
all came with a financial investment
and I know I just can’t do them ALL right now.
honestly the vibration of this moment elevated so quickly that
i sat up right and grabbed my laptop to start journalling it all.
Because you know when you wake each day and
you become aware of how powerful these moments really are..
you CAN NOT ignore them,
otherwise the ideas pass
and they “expire” in your mind.
like “poof”
up in smoke and disappear.
So i placed my fingers on the keyboard to start typing…
YES I paused
AND I noticed’ the chaos in my mind right now!
and it LANDED like a G6 plane
Marissa! STOP IT!!!
stop ‘TRYING’ so hard
your getting all flustered AND emotional
Just stop it
and let it flow with ease
so its authentic.
because heres what i know friends.
How you do one thing
is how you do EVERYTHING…
huh say wat??
yes its true
how you show up in one area of your life
is exactly how you show up in other areas of your life
and i placed one hand on my tummy, and my other hand on my heart
and i took the deepest breath
I inhaled love and gratitude
and exhaled love and gratitude.
and i quietly asked myself
“Marissa what identity do you need to step into
to create the opportunities you know your soul will respond to the most…
and what is it that my soul needs most right now?”
and holy crap when the answer landed it was like a sheet in the air slowly settling
into gravity…
see heres what else I know
if you can not ask yourself a question and
not only hear the answer
but TRUST the answer
you need to find more peace and silence.
because you must believe all that you
want and need resides with in you
and i won’t lye
this is an area of my life that i am still working on everyday
”TRUSTING’ myself
because although I am waking each day committed to my daily rituals and practises
I AM still learning how powerful mythoughts are
I am still learning how incredibly powerful having the right
environment is
I am still learning that in order to truly show up in an
authentic way
where opportunity happens
is in the flow and happens with ease
I must trust myself ALWAYS
and believe me so should you!
With Love always