After speaking to one of my soul sisters
and just flowing as we do with our conscious converations
Something MASSIVE landed for me
It was like when you are standing in the ocean
and you get distracted and next minute a wave hits you
wake up call to the core!
YOU GASP for breath, and even for a second
you get knocked off your feet,
your spinning
and trying to regain where the
surface is so you can catch your breath.
Well thats the process I experience when
something massive lands for me.
What we were discussing
was authenticity, and how I am open as a book on
my social media, but there is still a side of myself
that I don’t show and I only just realised it was
a side that those who are close to me
often say, they admire and love so much about me.
You see 99% of the time I am in a high loving operating space
so truly show my viewers my true self
but there is this 1% that only my family and tribe
get to experience and that is my Sacredly Unapologetic “spiritual gangsta” side
I am always talking about being Sacredly Unapologetic
Its a chapter in my book “From Struggle to Strength”
that I released this year.
It’s where I talk about peeling back the layers to get closer to the core,
and how every successful person has to learn the art of becoming
more and more sacredly unapologetic.
See heres the thing
I show up on social media as ME,
there is no faking
there is raw truth (my truth)
there is real love
and there is fearless conversation when it comes to sharing my views.
but there is 1% of me that is actually the outlet I organically operate on
to process things and shift FAST.
So when i say I’m gangsta
I’m not talking about clothing
or swag (well maybe hahah)
or hip hop
or crime
I’m talking about my personal choice in how I process when something
pisses me off
or frustrates me
or confuses me.
I swear A LOT!
I say the words like
M.F. or F.O. or No F.W. …
or my favourite….
Oh Shyyyyyt
and my posture changes for a split second
and I feel the strength of my inner animal.
Now I don’t fight and I don’t start fights
Its simply my way of processing my experience
make sense??
Well I used to hide it, and think if I was too open to the public i would be judged
(don’t we all go through this phase of caring how others see us!)
My tribe of my most sacred, respected and conscious woman
took a stand that this side of me
was what made me so unique
it was the one thing they agreed on that
they always found so
raw and real about me.
See heres the thing
so many of you will frown upon swearing and profanity
and I understand its not accepted from many religions.
But if you can see it like this
and its exactly how my best friend described it
I walk into the room
If something has happened that has triggered me
I will say out loud
Mutha f8***kr
OH for fu(***ks sake
and heres the thing
my girlfriends all laugh and with that I
respond with laughter and as I’m
I am actually downloading the experince
I’m stepping outside myself to observe why i felt so strongly about the moment
and i grow, i shift and I immediately rise to a higher state
Yes its a PROCESS
and its FAST
and I truly do love this about myself because it’s who I am
and I LOVE that I do not judge myself anymore because I swear
Its just words, so without attachment i allow them to pierce my state
and serve me in a positive way.
I guess my point is this
from now on I want to always give you all of me
100 percent of my authentic self
so you can choose to continue vibing with me or not.
I only want to call in a tribe who ‘get it”
and who want to be more sacredly unapologetic about
who THEY are.
With Love Always
Marissa xx