Here is an example of where I
“almost” took on someone else’s reality and energy.
And if I hadn’t have caught myself.
How destructive that could have being for myself, my environment and my reality.
Early hours of this morning (4.30am to be exact), October the 23rd 2016,
I was woken from a very peaceful and deep sleep,
by a high speed chase, from what sounded like it was on the high way.
There were multiple police sirens, tyres screeching,
and what sounded like Formula 1 racing World Series.
The noise startled me as it sounded close.
But then it proceeded to get closer, and closer,
and I realised it was not on the highway,
it was in our neighbour hood.
Now because we live close to the high way, and a police station,
these sounds are not unfamiliar to me.
But there was something so different about this time
compared to other times.
The experience this morning brought me
a completely different vibration.
and some sort of massive awareness.
Well I’m still trying to figure it out,
because here I was all safe and snuggled up in bed,
yet when I heard the high speed chase, my body was literally pulled out of bed
I found myself standing, still half asleep and my whole body was shaking..
I recall feeling the heaviest weight that something terrible was about to happen
it was like sooooo many things in that mili second were passing through my thoughts
and as I sit here typing this out I still have no idea of the facts or circumstances.
I do not know anyone involved,
I have had no connection to the police
No connection to anything untoward
Yet there was something in this moment
that affected my soul
I stil have no idea why
but as my belief system is that we are all connected and
Energy is who we are and how we vibrate
I am left wondering ….
Why this impacted me so much…
I had all these questions
I was asking myself
was it the fierce realisation of our current third world problems and
how often this happens unnecessarily?
was it the curiosity of what that person, or people
were experiencing in this moment in their life experience
that would allow them to be in the position they were?
was some one innocent going to be hurt?
or was it my obsession to understand human behaviour?
or was it my compassion for all the humans involved both the runners and the chasers
and the innocent bystanders?
But I guess it was simply my compassion for humanity
my passion to improve humanity
and my Obsession with understanding human behaviour
that got me so caught up in the experience .
After the 30,000 thoughts that raced through my mind
I began to notice my breath was short
my shoulders were high
my arms were folded and
I was closed off,
and then
it hit me
my imagination was on fire
I started to create thoughts and feelings
that had nothing to do with me.
I was literally living in my head
I was taking on someone elses story that was not serving me in a positive way,
and I almost, (almost), got stuck there and allowed my thoughts and imagination to shape my reality.
You see heres the thing.
It may not be a high speed chase for you
that disrupts your happy flow,
So a few questions you.
Have you ever had a situation suddenly enter your reality
that has rattled you?
and where did you live at that moment?
What state did you choose?
and did you allow this experience to affect your reality?
because so often as humans we take on other peoples energy
sometimes it conscious, and we hold a space for people that are in need, however other times its our subconscious and we take on other events or situations as our own because it redirects the focus away from us..
did you feel that?
did that land for you like it landed for me?
Yes i said that. Sometimes we choose to carry chaos, carnage and drama
that isn’t ours because well it takes away the focus from our own.
Hard truth right!!
If something happens suddenly to you
choose to understand its your choice how that energy affects you,
Ask yourself today is this my responsibility?
does this have anything to do with me
do you let other circumstances disrupt your happiness?
With Love always
Marissa xx