Do You Ever Take On Other Peoples Energy For The Wrong Reasons?
October 23, 2016
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Let Your Tears Guide You…

No matter how hard life feels at times,

remember you have a much bigger and

more powerful force that has your back!


It is there ready to comfort you, and lift you up

as soon as you give yourself permission to surrender.


See here is what I know..


Life has this divine timing,

and way of reminding you,

even when you have done the work,

and you feel in full control of where you are heading,

that it has something new for you to learn

to help you expand,

grow and become.


I believe when these experiences are gifted to you

You must grab them with both hands,

and fully embrace the moments by

closing your eyes,

taking a breath (like when you are about to blow out the candles)

Inhale with total love and gratitude,

and exhale with total love and gratitude.


Because here is what else I know,

The power of breath,

The power of connection,

The power of awareness,

And the power of love,

Will pull you through every time

because remember that force that has your back

is Powerful and knowing this blended with the fact that everything has to pass, will give you courage to keep moving forward.



I often think about moments of hurt and pain

and when I endure these feelings,

how much energy and effort it requires

to not lose myself in my thoughts.

(because remember thoughts become things!)

And I have noticed in my own journey of growth,

especially when something doesn’t go the way I had hoped

or lets be honest “expected’,

my ego takes over!

It is in the front of the line shouting things at me

to make me fearful, have self doubt and question EVERYTHING about myself.

It is so unnecessary!!


So in order to truly use this to your advantage,

acknowledge that fear is not there to hurt you

fear is designed to “keep you safe”

it is only trying to

keep you in your comfort zone,

but you must already know the magic happens

outside your comfort zone right?


There are different areas of life that will push you to grow

in the exact moment you feel one area of life is “perfect”

don’t question it, it may very well be exactly where you visualised it to be,

but always know, that as soon as you get “comfortable”

that is a sign you are not

expanding or growing…

and if you are not growing, you are dying.


Recently I had an experience that completely

Had my heart WIDE OPEN

all the work and healing I had done to this point was tested to the core,

I removed myself as much as I could from my thoughts and I

realised that it was NOT an option to get stuck there.


I had my tears guiding me.

the tears at the time, were representing


heart break,



and fear.

but then I used all my teachings to step outside myself

and observe what exactly was it I was crying for???

what was it that I had unexpectedly attached to?

or what was it about this experience that took me back to some place

where I had this kind of trauma before?


This is where it landed of me,

I believe in undeniable raw and uncut love,

and that does not mean just falling in love,

it means that no matter what happens

I will ALWAYS choose to take the time to come

from a space of love

and ask for guidance to connect to my BIGGER source,

my Universe, my God.

And trust that if I do this,

I WILL release all that is weighing me down,

create space for what is coming, and what belongs to me,

and stay completely open to love and above,

allowing life to flow through me and

trusting that what is meant for me, won’t miss me

and what misses me, was never meant for me.


And that is why I always believe in letting my tears guide me.

and trust that there is a reason they are showing up so that I can

continue moving forward.


Love Marissa xxx