You know if someone had of told me to “set intentions” 5 years ago
I would have been like, “saaayy wat’??
But as I now do this relentlessly, I wanted to share a few things
I have discovered that may help you.
Just before the recent super moon showed her self to us, first time in over 70 years,
I was gifted some advice that this was a powerful time of co creation,
and if I was to “think” about anything, to make sure
it was POSITIVE.
I was offered some brilliant advice by another beautiful soul
who I’m so blessed to call my sister, to set my intentions
for what ever it was that was in my heart and to let go
of the old to make space for the New.
I remember that day I was super busy. I had started at 5am and I didn’t get into bed into 11pm.
but I was not going to shut my eyes without setting my deepest and most connected intentions.
because it is SO easy to just not do something you know is going to be good for you right?!
I know you get it. its the game of mastering the mind and the self talk.
Anyway as i lit my favourite Jasmine incense, had my chamomile tea
my yoga meditation music in the background, i sat in silence for a moment,
then I opened my laptop and started to type what was in my heart.
Now heres the thing, i love to journal in a book, but i type at a much faster speed
and find i can keep up better with my thoughts. So Journalling in a laptop is better time
management for me.
during this download of intentions, I was drifting off to sleep but I was in the zone
I found myself so connected and in the flow, the words were like water, and
my state was just bliss.
After typing out a few pages of intentions my heart was bursting, I was elevated to new heights
in all my mind body and soul, my creativity was at an all time high, and
I realised in that moment the power of setting intentions.
If you are walking around this earth and planet not understanding the power of your mind, and how setting intentions EVERY SINGLE DAY, can absolutely create the outcome you desire, because by getting super clear on what you want, you will bring clarity and be in a much stronger position to set some goals, which you can turn into a plan and of course, get yourself into the aligned action to make the shit happen!
So what are you waiting for???? Go set your intentions NOW and watch the magic unfold…
Love Marissa
Always xx