What’s my next Move?
January 29, 2017
Over-ridding that overworked and overwhelmed feeling
March 21, 2017
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Want to know what the stairway to Freedom Looks Like?

Freedom LOOKS so different to each of us RIGHT!
Some of you want more money.
Some of you want more time.
Some of you want more choices.
Some of you want it all.
And why not!!!!
You see for me freedom used to look like creating more choices.
Almost 3 years ago.. I captured a vision,. This vision was like an injection of LIFE, love, hope, & truth..
It went straight to my heart ..MAINLINE baby!!
It was to show people a new way of thinking
And how to live an extraordinary life.
And since then I have had to sacrifice so much of my time with my number 1 angel (Jordyn). to ensure I am doing the aligned action that will bring our dreams to fruition.
Have you ever had a vision where you wanted
More opportunities to travel. Where ever you wanted, with people you love .
To do things when ever You wanted.
To be able to have more celebrations with people you love.
To be able to creatively contribution to people and things You love and support.
And although THIS is still very much in my vision.
It was all very external.
As some of you may know
Over the past 2 weeks I have dived into understanding myself on a much deeper level.
I committed to doing the inner work in 2017. Even if it felt painful or vulnerable.
I attended 2 major events this month.
The first one was The Bridge Experience.
Created and facilitated by Preston Smiles and Alexi Panos.
This 2 day workshop was soul transforming.
It consisted of integration of mind body & soul and was all
Experiential Cellular Learning of
Somatic patterns.
Breath work.
Unconscious blocks.
And so much more.
It opened me up to so much.
Then 2 days later.
I flew to Bali to the RHI leadership retreat that was birthed by Regan and her team.
Where we were celebrated for our successes and then further to that,
suprised with blissful activities such as
shomanic activations.
sunset celebrations.
spiritual waterfall immersions.
energetic healings.
delicious high nutritional food.
breath work, yoga and lots of hugging.
These experiences have taught me the power of doing the inner work.
Freeing myself from any type of grave memories that have been holding me back , by fully releasing them, automatically raised my vibrations.
It was being truly magical and soul transforming.
So Yes I still want it all.
But freedom looks a little different now.
Its about freeing myself to be sacredly unapologetic about
all that I AM, and all that I desire.
And just being open to new ways of thinking.
New ways of doing
and new ways of being.
Always being a student.
Because what else I know is.
It doesn’t matter how much we elevate our mindset,
I now understand that
In order to change the world, I must change within myself first.
Because there is nothing more freeing or powerful than internal freedom.
So with that said,
MY PASSION to want to creatively contribute to be the change in this world
and really bring positive influence on a massive
scale, has never being more clear. EVERRRRRR.
SERIOUSLY everything just makes freaken sense.
When you do the inner work.
The work that really matters
Everything in your external world will be a direct reflection of that.
As a mother i always struggled because I wanted to be a successful career woman and a full time mummy. I didn’t know how to do both but I can sincerely say I have figured it out
I feel so blessed and so grateful and I cannot wait to share this with every person I meet.
LOVE & above always!!