Do You Struggle to know the difference Between Feeling Selfish and Choosing Self-Care ?
April 4, 2017
Do you take advice from people who don’t have to live with the result?
April 26, 2017
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Yesterday’s a closing door. You don’t live there anymore. So What direction are you looking in

How often do you return to your past in your mind?

How often do you feel you’re taking one step forward, then steps back???

And How much do you believe this is holding you back from living what you love?

Well if any of those questions felt like you got nudged ..stay with me.

For most people physically climbing a mountain, you would be focusing on climbing with one foot in front of the other. Focusing on just getting to your destination.
But not this girl lol.
Before I hit any challenge.
I set powerful intentions.
Because with powerful intentions.
Comes powerful Action.
And with powerful action.
Comes powerful results!
It’s something I learned to do when I was training for my half marathons years ago.

The intentions I set on this hilltop were POWERFUL, I asked what vibrational energy did I need to be on in order to call The next level of my life.
So as my body shifted into automated movement & an almost meditative state.
And as i took step by step climbing the mountain. I was literally shedding layers of emotional weight .

It was freaken CRAZY BEAUTIFUL!!

It got me thinking about you.
And all the emotional layers you are currently still carrying.
Because Even with all the healing and growth that we have in this human experience.
THERES ALWAYS MORE!! It never stops.
And because It is our subconscious mind where emotional patterns reside.
Even when you are conscious to new information you learn. It’s easy to slip into old patterns like self sabotage, overwhelm or fear, without knowing why.

Well here’s what I know. it’s because you are wired that way honey. Its been all those good and fucked up experiences in your life that have shaped you .
and it takes freaken consistent work, support and courage, to re-wire your sub conscious mind.

So why did I want to talk about this now.
Well because for me things have been happening pretty fast these days.
I think of something i want to initiate or create.
I manifest it.
I do what ever I have to do in order to align with it.
and boom oppoturnity after opportunity flow in.
I say YES YES if it feels good.
But then my “blueprint’ and ‘ego” show up.
and thankfully I am very aware of it now so I catch it faster.
But the one thing that is ALWAYS my biggest enemy to my growth is My self! haha
Yep i always get in my own way when its time to up level or elevate my life!
its the good old ego trying to keep me safe.

And here’s the cool part.
I know when I am experiencing someTHING…
That means other humans are experiencing it too. PERIOD

So for YOU who answered YES to any of those first 3 questions. KNOW THIS…

You may encounter many defeats in your life, but you must not be defeated !

So what if YOU stopped trying so hard to control it?

What if YOU didn’t actually know the answer?

What if you ONLY focused on what is in front of you?

IMAGINE THE EASE & FLOW that could return to your life!

Love Marissa

