Self-growth is delicate & confronting. But there is no greater investment honey
May 12, 2017
Feeling connected to each other, is a basic human need
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Are you crazy or average?

Do you know what statistics say “average” is –
The highest degree of poor.

Do you know what I say “crazy” is –
The highest degree of living in possibility.

And honey let me assure you. I was one of those statistics for majority of my life. until I got really super freaken “comfortable” with being called crazy. So there is ZERO judgement here.

I’m so fired up!! I just finished listening to a powerful podcast on human Behaviour and
they talked about the “average” mindset is the person who spends most of their time spending money they don’t have.

People who are above the average mindset are Investing in themselves and their self development.

So if YOU are tired of being one of those statistics and want to disrupt your “average ” way of living ANd thinking. Keep reading.

I BELIEVE with every bone in my body, you have something magical inside of you.

Some call it your vision, some call it your gift, some call it your genius, some call it your passion, some call it your purpose, some call it God.

I know it’s not easy to always remember what THAT is.

But here’s what I know.
ITS A PROCESS. It does not happen over night. You have to choose to embrace that something. And by embracing it, you become better and better and better. It all comes down to your beliefs.

And The hardest thing I know, to overcome. Is the beliefs that you grew up with.
You were so young and no control over what you were getting educated on. But if you don’t already know. Your beliefs are what shape you.

Don’t get me wrong . I get it. I get that some of you will be so happy with what beliefs you grew up with. And I get that done of you won’t.
Especially if you have trauma to ad into the mix of those beliefs. And I am so sorry you had to experience that if you did.

But you know what is so freaken EPIC.
Today is a brand new day and YOU get to chose to not let your past define you.

That’s right honey. You are the one who can decide if you will remain a statistic . Or if you give yourself permission to tap into your crazy.

It take about 5 years of crazy consistent commitment to THAT thing you have inside you that you know is calling you .

But I promise you. If you choose to follow that and get into aligned action. You will forever stand in uni light and own YOUR crazy’

I love you
Marissa x

Ps. It’s the “crazy” ones who change the world🙌