Do you often feel lonely?
Are you that person who has people around you, but you still feel disconnected?
And how often do you expect others to give you the answers?
Well honey it’s time to change that right Now.
Because in order to feel connected to each other
You must first feel connected to yourself!
It’s time to choose to honour who you are !
It’s time to Cherish your human connection!
Because here’s what I KNOW.
The spiritual path has only one aim.
to realise who you truly are.
And it take courage to grow up and be who you truly are.
How do I know?
Well At twenty-four I had a excellent career, a loving partner, many friends, and was earning a great 6 figure income. But During that time I also became deeply depressed, and entered what would be a very long relationship with self loathing.
It was a real struggle for me to understand why I wasn’t happy, when I had everything that I thought was important in life.
I used to ask my self Was I selfish? Were my expectations too high? I honestly couldn’t understand what was missing and how to fill this huge void that weighed me down every day.
When I look back at my life, I realise that I really had No freaken clue, who I was or what made me happy. I kept expecting something or someone to answer this question for me.
The journey to find out who I was and what really mattered to me eventually involved hospitalisation from accidentally over dosing on a liquid substance. the loss of my job and most of my friends, and overcoming a serious habit .
It pretty much took the loss of EVERYTHING at age 27. I allowed this to define me for too long.
Who am I? What are my beliefs ? What is my purpose? What fills me with joy and happiness? These are questions that I am only just beginning to understand after thirty six years of living my life, and I have to admit that getting there has been a struggle.
But honey I HAVE ARRIVED. And so can you!!
The hardest part for me was just knowing where to begin. After much, self-reflection, meditation and reading, these where the three big questions that served my foundation to my journey of self-discovery.
If you are ready to begin the process of truly understanding who you are meant to be so you can have basic human connection anz meaningful relationships. start here:
1. What are your core personal values?
Personal values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live. They give you a reference for what is , beneficial, good, important, useful, desirable, and constructive. Once you are able to determine exactly what values are most important to you, you can better determine your priorities.
2. What makes you genuinely happy?
This one is closely related to your core personal values. However, ask yourself this question once you’ve really nailed down what those values are.
3. If money were no object, how would you live your life differently?
Many people equate happiness and success directly to the amount of money they have. But remember, this question isn’t really about money at all. It’s more about thinking outside the limits we tend to put on our aspirations and actions because things seem out of our reach financially.
REMEMBER YOU are love. Therefore you CAN give and receive love, it’s your birthright honey.
Love Marissa xx