OK how many of you are sitting on the fence right now with a FREAKEn epic idea or solution for something that matters to you?
But maybe you just don’t know where to start?
Or perhaps you are allowing the fear of losing stop you?
AFTER I posted yesterday about my vulnerability leading into this fitness competition. I had so many people private message me.
I was blown away with some of the incredible dreams these people have.
(And honey when my mind starts to flow, Its a freaking circus) hahahah.
But the one common factor that kept showing up between all the messages was. “Marissa i just don’t know where to start”
Or “Marissa I Love what your doing your so courageous”
it is not a limb you are born with.
It is a belief that you embrace.
It is a mindset that you train.
It is a sub consciuous muscle that needs attention!
You wake up and you CHOOSE.
You choose the idea of possibility
You choose the emotion that drives you forward.
You choose the reasons WHY it matters.
You choose the vision that accelerates your heart beat.
You choose to say F*ck YES i can do this.
You see WHEN you focus on the idea of Winning every single time you say yes. It generates a great feeling; it provides satisfaction and feedback that you have accomplished something, and it deserves to be celebrated.
It can validate the hard work and long hours that you dedicate to preparation. The desire to win is accentuated through ever-changing internal and external influences (e.g., rewards, praise, and satisfaction).
This is what sets you up for more courage.
This is what sets you up for more confidence.
This is what sets you up to accept it won’t always work
But its freaken ok because every time it doesn’t work
You learn. you grow and you rise!
but this is where most you you stop.
and most of you start to believe the story that it won’t work.
its because What commonly exists in parallel with the feeling of winning, is an ingrained fear of losing due to equally significant influences (e.g., punishment, negative attention, and humiliation).
So Whether one is motivated to win or, alternatively, driven by the fear of losing, the point is that either outcome is essentially out of our control.
Then cross that dam lye out!!
And when you surrender to that BELIEF.
And you say yes to flow, ease, happiness, acceptance and joy.
The FEAR resides, and there is more space for you to take aligned action, with the the things that really matter.
Getting you more of the results you dream about.