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What Beliefs are forcing you to Lean back from stepping into your true authentic happiness. And become a terminator of joy?

It’s currently 5am here in Auckland .

I just woke up to the sweet whispers of my
own thoughts.
I say sweet, because as I lay here in the dark.
I can’t help but smile.
It’s SO peaceful at this time of the day.
There is a beautiful sense of calm and exhilarating essence of possibility.

As life unfolds and as I reveal more of who I truly am. I feel The destination of my legacy landing, and it’s simply magical.

Initially, this blog was triggered by a recent Podcast Interview I had with the divine Kole Hanson. (Creative Founder / Director of ‘Warrior Women with a Purpose’. From New York, USA). Where I was referred to as a ‘Germinator of Joy’.

Now because we are linguistic beings.
Most of you would attach the word ‘germinator’ to be a negative connotation.
But not me honey. ESPECIALLY when it’s used with the intention of being followed by the word ‘JOY’.

JOY is the ultimate state of being.
(Next to gratitude).
So When you are operating in a joyful state of being.
Honey, you are creating your life to be Euphoric.

Honestly, the thought of being seen & felt by others, as a powerful connection to that deep sense of joy & happiness. Instantly got me vibrating so High.


Because there really is nothing more fulfilling than to be infecting others with more love, joy & possibility.

So how do I lean forward in my authentic happiness?

It’s interesting. Yesterday I had the privilege of sitting through a 2 hour planning session, with 4 of my tribe. These women are the nurtures, healers and disruptors. They are some of the most fierce and relentless women I know.

When we come together with such powerful intention. It is surges of energy in, and energy out: of course all in flow and all on purpose.
But after 2 hours of co creation with such power.
I felt the desperate need to be with nature.
Nature is my “go to” .
It’s where I move into soul mode.
It’s where I feel most grounded.
It’s where my spirit reconnects to something so much bigger than self.
It’s an electric pulse that you can not deny elevates everything.

So I headed to the beach.
(Yes it is one hundred my percent favourite place to centre).
Here in this picture my sister captured me laughing.
I had no make up.
I was a hot mess with hair wildly flying around.
I was running my fingers through the sand.
I was feeling the treasures of the land in the shells.
I was inhaling the salty fresh air.
I was seeing the beauty in our paradise.
I was simply present and BEING.
I was bathing in the love of this human experience .
And when I looked at this picture I suddenly
Realised I really was explosive in Joy and gratitude.

So how do you find true authentic happiness and become Germinator of Joy?


Each day that You WAKE from resting your mind body and soul. EVEN if you are soooo busy with life. Stop overthinking what you should do.
Start thinking about what feels good to you.
It can be as simple as Steppinh outside for 5 mins to ground, breathe and be with nature.
feel her Vibrating and open up to the possibility that you are the master of your life.


The biggest disappointments in our lives are often the result of misplaced expectations. This is especially true when it comes to our relationships and interactions with others.

Tempering your expectations of other people will greatly reduce unnecessary frustration and suffering, in both your life and theirs, and help you refocus on the things that truly matter.


Listen to your body’s different requests. This might mean eating when you’re hungry. It might mean resting when you’re tired or stretching when you’re experiencing tension.

If you normally ignore your body, set an alarm on your phone to go off every hour. When your alarm rings, check in with yourself. Notice if you’re feeling any tension. Notice if you’re thirsty or your stomach is growling. You can even start at your toes, and move all the way up to your head, and focus on how each body part is feeling.


See Supportive practitioners, including a coach and massage therapist or even a healer. “I personally began to see myself as worth of such an investment financially 10 years ago.

When you really think about it, what does treating yourself with compassion look like for you?


The most fundamental harm YOU can do to Yourselves, is to remain ignorant by not having the courage and the respect to look at YourselF honestly and gently.

Observe how you’re FEELING from a “place of compassionate curiosity.” Acknowledge the feelings and needs that arise without judging, blaming or shaming yourself. Talk to yourself as you would IF you meet a child in pain.

“Notice when you want to talk yourself out of getting or doing something. If it’s truly important to you, do it and honor yourself.”

Love you all
Marissa .

Ps. Comment share or tag people below if this has any positive influence on your day ❤️ and click like on my page for more powerful insight daily