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Stop blocking your own abundance!


Yes. I just woke up a hot mess, and I am Fizzing!!!

I understand now.
The scarcity mindset.
The self sabotage patterns.
The negative breathing.
The wild worrying habits.
The unconscious wiring.
They have all being contributing to me not living into my full potential and here’s why.

Over the past few months, I have had some radical shifts in my self. and in my life.
Some of you have noticed this and I thank you for acknowledging the expansion.

These shifts have bought me to a place of peace, authenticity, ease and flow.
But I won’t lie to you.
Oh no honey I will never lie.
I still face struggle.
I still feel defeated on the daily.
I still have self doubt too many times to count.
I still fall over and want to stick my face into a peanut butter jar.
I still fail and want to crawl under a blanket and hide.

But here’s the thing.
I am now awakening to what really is available to me.
I am now awakening to all the magic I have full access to.
I am now awakening to the divine angels who are ALWAYS waiting for permission to guide , support and love me.

And why this gets me FIZZING.
Is because if I have all of this available to me.


You see friends.
I have always “felt” energy and being told by my elders that I was deeply “gifted”.
I am blessed to come from a blood line of indigenous Māori who are well known to have healing powers.
I have had it confirmed by a number of healers that My gift is giving, and my purpose is intuitive healing.

But Do you think I really believed them??


Even though I remember as a child experiencing phenomenon moments, that my human mind could not explain.
Even though I recall so many moments where my spirit. (My Wairua) was present and was screaming at me to take notice.
Even though I recall so many moments where I questioned everything, because what I was feeling, was against everything I was being taught.
And only recently have I learned just how much I have being ignoring & sabotaging this gift which has being blocking my abundance.

Its crazy that Since 2015 when I began the fierce journey of self healing. That my personal mission has being to reveal what ever I needed to in order to turn my struggle into my strength my so that I can get back into full alignment and find my true purpose.

I have felt this insane pull to keep peeling back the layers even if it was scary and unknown.
The layers of hurt.
The layers of struggle.
The layers of pain.
The layers of disappointment.
The layers of frustration.
The layers of resentment.
The list can go on.

But honestly I never REALLY understood why I felt so pulled to take this journey.
But what I did trust, was that it would lead me to a place that allowed me to create with confidence & express myself in full capacity. Sacredly unapologetically.
Living more into my bliss.

So yesterday I had a the pleasure of connecting with a wonderful Māori elder.

If you were to give him a title is would look something like intuitive healer/spiritual Coach. But he is so much more.

The messages he shared with me were SO confronting.
I felt rapid resistance come up, for what he was saying about what has been holding me back.
I noticed quickly that my wounded self / ego was right there trying to “keep me safe”.
So I kindly acknowledged it. and moved back into my heart.
And here is where the magic happened.
It all made so much sense.
I had light bulb moments.
Yes the tears flowed as he spoke.
Tears of release.
Tears of compassion.
Tears of happiness.
Tears of gratitude.
I felt his Wairua connect with mine.
I felt the presence of my angels and their strength.
I felt elevated by the vision that was coming through me.
And I felt such a sense of gratitude for my existence and the connection between soul and spirit.

And now I am READY.
Ready to do what ever it takes to live into my purpose.
Ready to keep doing the freaken work.
No matter how confronting it feels. .
Ready to say no to sabotage.
Ready to say no to self doubt.
Ready to say YES to my gift.

So I have to ask you.

Are you sick of blocking your abundance?

Do you have a scarcity mindset?

Are you tired of the struggle?

Then honey ask yourself
How are you choosing to show up & “do the work”.so that you can open the gateway For your abundance to flow in??

I feel you on this same journey to Blaze a Path of your own brilliance.

Yes I get it
It’s scary.
It’s confronting.
It takes mana.
It takes courage.
It’s takes perseverance.
It takes resilience.
It’s takes commitment.
It’s takes relentless focus.

But believe it when I say It is your birthright to live into your bliss and receive abundance in all areas of life!

When you take positive action towards your highest intentions, aspirations and goals, the Universe works in your favour and helps you to establish solid foundations and advance you along your path. Know that the angels surround and support you, encouraging you to keep up the good work you have been doing.

I love you!!!

Ps. Remember. Yoh one hundred percent can say yes to changing your thinking. and turn that struggle mindset into your strength mindset.