Do you seek authentic inner peace?
Are you looking for connection to your inner wisdom?
Are you craving to power to tap into your inner guidance?
Well honey then stay with me.
As I take on the journey of discovering my true path.
I am unlocking the doorway to some powerful insight.
Consciously living and leading in alignment with Your true values, inner wisdom and inner peace is by far the very best gift you can give – to yourself your family and the world.
So how do you master inner peace?
It is when you tune into the energy of creation, that you call forth your deepest desires.
It is when you realise you have the ability to manifest your desires.
And It is When you can Hold the space of living in possibility .that you co create with trust.
Feeling inner peace is a Practise that I personally commit to every single day.
Sometimes it’s a struggle.
Sometimes it’s painful.
Sometimes it brings forth thoughts that are confronting.
Sometimes it’s takes courage.
But when you do it and say YES to the stillness.
A let go of the inner chatter and noise
You can dilute it with breath
Water it down with your breath
You will feel enough lightness to truly experience inner peace
It is then that you learn to observe, and grow in confidence.
You learn to set impossible tasks and watch how things show up in your life.
And you learn to accept that everything you experience is for you to expand and elevate if you choose it.
So how do you truly find inner peace.
It all comes back to you honey.
The answer to your prayers lies within you honey.
The space that exists between the impossible and the possible is infinite.
Therein lies the vortex of your creation.
So why not Select your favourite outcome?
Why not choose to Breath into it?
Why not choose to Feel into it?
Why not Dream it into being?
Remember YOUR dreams matter.
AND yes honey, Your dreams create matter.
Yes darling Feel it with every inch of your being
call in the Pure consciousness.
Use your inner power by not dwelling on
The pain. the fear and the suffering in the world
But to instead hold fast onto the dreams you want to create in YOUR world AND start with knowing you are the only one who can find your inner peace.
And honey once you get there. Do not comprise it did anything or anyone .
I Love you . All of you. Every inch of you. because you are a reflection of me and I am a reflection of you.
Marissa. Xx
Ps. Your inner wisdom & inner guidance is available to you right now, it’s just waiting for you to ask for help.