What do you believe to be true when it comes to feminism
June 18, 2017
Stop limiting your choices to what seems possible or reasonable. By doing so you are disconnecting from what you truly want.
June 23, 2017
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When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses?

As I lay here in bed about to rest my, mind & body.

My soul is calling me to share this message.

It’s been back to back 15 hour days for me lately.
Tonight it was 10pm and all I wanted to do was sleep.
But I hadn’t ticked off all that I committed to doing and I had not finished all my parenting duties.
So I began experiencing tiredness.
Frustration. Annoyance.
And with these emotions.
Over sensitivity.
Over expressing.
Overwhelming moments.

Do you ever feel that??

Well anyway the coolest thing is.
It’s okay to feel those things.
In fact it’s important to feel what ever you feel.
ALLOW these feelings and experiences to rise up honey .
Because here’s the thing.
Noticing what’s happening in YOUR mind & body is what’s important.
Accepting it’s not always goin to feel good IS OK.
Because It’s your next move that will determine your outcome . Positive or negative.

I personally sat here journaling about all the things that I am grateful for and while reflecting over all the divine moments that have happened for me recently. Good and bad.

And I couldn’t help but notice how often we just don’t stop to say thank you and smell the roses.

So if today you have experienced a struggle. Or tiredness. Or disappointment.

Stop RIGHT NOW & smell the roses.
Look for what is good.
Look for what feels good
Thank your Universe.
Thank your God.
Thank your self (your name)
Thank your energy
Thank what ever gives you comfort and safety

Just say …THANK YOU FOR IT ALL!!!!!!!

The good
The bad and the unknown

Nothing is against you.
Everything is for you.
Learn to live in purpose ON purpose ❤️

I love you!