Stop limiting your choices to what seems possible or reasonable. By doing so you are disconnecting from what you truly want.
June 23, 2017
Some women fear the fire. Some women become it.
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Stop worrying about the past. Honey you don’t live there anymore

Ok sweetheart.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking??
When are you goin to stop living in regret?
When are you going to let go of the guilt?
When are you going to chose to believe that
YOUR best days are ahead of you?
And that your wholeness is enough to call in every single daym thing your heart desires????

I was a WORRIER.
I lived in the past.
I lived in my head.
I lived in regret.
I lived in self loathing.
I lived in self sabotage.
I lived in a GAWD DAYM struggle.

It was up-hill battles, blended with
internal war and self destruction.
The guilt of how I treated my body.
The regret of decisions I had made.
The constant confusion of why, why, why.

Why did this happen “to” me.
How did this happen “to” me.

Does this sound familiar?


And this is why I’m here.
To stir you UP!
To remind you TO STOP IT.
To remind you nothing happens “to” you.
It happens “for” you.
To remind you that your past is your past.
( that you definitely don’t live there anymore.).
To remind you that the only control you have right now. Is over your own thoughts and actions.
To remind you that it is your birthright to be happy.
To remind you that you absolutely can go from a struggle to strength mindset.

If YOU don’t start showing up for your own dreams.
Then how will anyone else?
And IF you continue to live in the past & stay in the pain and struggle.
Honey, your reality will continue to be a direct reflection of all of that .

YES that’s right.
If you Live in that space.
It will result in you operating on a low vibration.
And energetically, you WILL attract in a lot of heavy shit.

How would I know??

Because I have experienced it.
When I chose to live in the pain and struggle.
It resulted in me dimming my light down so much, that I ended up living in shadows.
And yup that lead me to some pretty dark places..

You feeling me???


How would I know?

I see you honey.
I see you hiding.
I see you making plans to please others.
I see you hustling and unhappy.
I see you going to war with yourself every day.
I see you doubting your worth.
I see you comparing yourself to others.
I see you wanting to change.
I feel your pain.
I feel your struggle.
I feel your desperation.

But you see here’s what you need to KNOW.
Your light is meant to shine bright baby.
No in fact honey. .
It is YOUR birthright to illuminate this world.

No matter what has happened in the past.
You are not defined by it.
Yes i feel you.
There might by
Old patterns.
Massive Trauma.
Deep Suffering.
But NOTHING & no one can take that birthright from you honey
Unless of course you give them permission to do so.
It’s only when you choose to believe the “stories” you tell yourself, that you can’t change, that you won’t.
It’s only when you choose to please everyone else first. That you lose your inner peace and joy.

You my darling are as deserving as the person you most admire, to live your dreams.

From ALL the experiences you have had to this moment.
Know that you change the past when you change the way you see it.
Believe it when I say honey.
Life is like an escalator.
It carries on REGARDLESS.
So you might as well enjoy the view and seize every opportunity while you’re passing.
Otherwise you WILL miss it.

You know I love you right!

Peace love and LIGHT coming at you baby.

Marissa. Xx

Ps. It’s on YOU today to press play honey.

Photo credit : Jorgeo Canales