As I sit here looking through the creative work from my photographer Jorgeo Canales
This image comes up. And It hits me like a wave.
I love the power in standing in my feminine.
I love feeling confident & creative.
I love feeling sensual.
I love feeling beautiful.
I love feeling fierce.
I Love feeling ease and flow.
and yes i am inLOVE with feeling sexy.
But don’t be fooled.
It wasn’t always that way honey.
In fact, let me share something with you.
I remember when I was a teenager.
I would NEVER have made a statement like that. NEVER!
In fact. I was so wounded by the mistreatment and bullying from other girls from such a young age,
that I remember crying that I didn’t want to be one.
Yes as a young girl. I was well loved through my junior years.
Until I got to about the age of 10.
The world as I knew it got flipped upside down.
Girls were more judgemental.
Girls were more clicky.
Girls were more insecure.
Girls were more hurtful.
Girls were more unforgiving.
The list went on.
It’s those experiences that smacked me in the face super young.
Bullying. Rejection. Abandonment.
It was possibly one of the hardest lessons I have gone through in this life experience.
Especially because the wounds carried through to my adult life and recent years.
I mean let talk real for a moment. No one likes to feel they are not good enough right!
So tell me honey. are you someone who is currently experiencing feelings of judgement, neglect, rejection, abandonment, pain or struggle?
Because honey only you know what thoughts you are battling with right now.
And believe it when I say. I am not naive to how destructive these emotions, feelings and thoughts are.
It hurts, it sucks and honey it feels yucky.
But heres what I know.
Honey as you journey through life. you either choose to stay where you are, or you choose TO MOVE to a higher consciousness.
And This higher consciousness is where you make MAJOR leaps in your life.
BIG question right?!
Well its one of those courageous questions I asked my self about three years ago.
And it was where I made a DECISION.
This decision was a fierce commitment to bring more balance back into my life.
Mentally, Spiritually, Physically, Emotionally.
A part of that commitment was to do what ever it took, to find my way back to my most
true and sacredly unapologetic self.
And Woah this path has lead me to some incredible places. Definitely not always comfortable places.
But definitely places that have allowed me to heal more of myself and land right here, in this present moment.
So how did I do it?
What was the core of what really changed for me personally?
What was that “THING” that gave me courage to rise up AND own who I am?
It was through some deep inner work that I did.
I called back my power for all the times I had experienced feeling rejected. abandoned or neglected.
It gave me a new perspective on being a woman.
The RESULT of that was I had a massive realisation.
That in order for you to see yourself in your most natural state. You must take responsibility for reshaping your perception of how you see yourself.
And thats when I began to explore ways of re-connecting to my inner feminine.
And I found the POWER in understanding how to tap into that.
Well because For YEARS I struggled to understand how much I operated in my Masculine energy.
Being a mother, fully responsible for her son.
Being an entrepreneur creating Multiple businesses.
Being a woman who holds space for everyone she meets.
And so much more responsibilityx
I was operating in my mascline energy constantly.
It was that strong, assertive, bulldozer energy.
It was destructive to myself and others around me.
and it was freaken exhausting.
Now by understanding how to tap into my inner feminine and doin so.
I Love feeling ease and flow, versus feeling struggle.
I love loving myself, versus loathing myself.
I LOVE feeling sensual, versus feeling frigid.
I LOVE feeling beautiful, versus feeling unworthy.
I love feeling fierce, versus feeling tired.
I love feeling confident & creative versus feeling unsure and stagnant.
and I love to feel sexy af.
So if any of this message triggers you and intrigues you. STAY WITH ME!
Figuring out how to balance the feminine and masculine energies is a daily practise.
Because if you didn’t already know, we all have both.
Learning about reconnecting was one thing.
But learning how to ground myself enough to EMODY what I learned was another thing.
So Whether you are a woman looking to reconnect with your inner feminine more deeply, or a man looking to self-nurture and balance out his masculine.
Here are a few exercises that helped me increase reconnecting to my feminine energy.
1. Get Moving
Feminine energy is moving energy. The ocean, hurricanes, and weather patterns are all perfect metaphors for feminine energy as they are constantly in motion, always changing and shifting.
If you have been stuck at an office desk ALL DAY like I used to be. or have felt physically stagnant for a while, you need to get your body moving.
Whether that means going for a walk in nature, stretching out in a yoga class, or dancing naked in the bathroom , your feminine energy will always be activated by movement.
2. Prioritise Receiving
Masculine energy is a penetrating force of energy.
Feminine energy is the receptive energy that opens.
By receiving love/energy/attention your deep well of feminine energy is filled up.
This doesn’t necessarily mean through sex (although this certainly helps). 🙏🏾
You can receive by getting a massage, pedicure, or having someone cook for you!
In the yoga, for example, your breathing and relaxing that allows you to to be present beneath the layers of your stress is deeply fulfilling for your feminine energy.
So get out your calendar Right now and book some receiving time into your schedule.
3. Re-Connect
The feminine connects largely through verbal communication (with masculine connecting largely through touch and sexual access).
It’s no secret that as women reach puberty they become much more fascinated in becoming frequent and effective verbal communicators with their peers. Haha yes we LOVE TO TALK!
The feminine in you is nourished by extended catch-up sessions with loved ones (family , Friends)
4. Create
Masculine energy is destructive energy, while feminine energy is a creative energy.
To shake things up in your routine you can journal, write a song, or make a delicious meal for yourself and others or get out the car and fix something (men)
Here’s the magic ..
Increasing Your Feminine Energy Will Heal You!!
Unfortunately, feminine energy is often considered the less valuable of the two energies in western society.
In reality, one doesn’t beat out the other. They are two halves to the same whole. They add to each other and balance each other out.
An unbalanced masculine energy is all striving with no contentment (the stereotype of the overworked businessman with no down time comes to mind).
An unbalanced feminine energy is pure, present-minded indulgence with no direction or goals in life (a twenty-something party girl who is addicted to drugs and is entirely dependent on others to get by in life) and I know about that.
Masculine energy is by far the more “prized” of the two energies and it is a sad state of affairs that it is. People are working more than ever and de-forgetting their joy. They succeed in much but disconnect from what they really.
If you spend your entire life sprinting towards an imagined finish line without stopping to smell the roses. Where you feel, love and above, then you may find you live an empty life with many regrets.
Choose today to get out of your head and back into your heart.
I love you !!
Marissa xx
Ps. Writing this blog ignited something magic inside of me.
And I am super Excited to be announce I’m goin to launch my next online workshop kicking off in August!!
‘7 days to Balancing your Bold & Beautiful Energies’
Comment “I am in” or PM now if you feel the nudge to hear more!! ❤️
It’s goin to activate something in you like never before!
Remember you one hundred percent can go from a struggle to strength mindset.