After all the terror that hit Las Vegas a couple of days ago.
I would be lying to say it hasn’t impacted my heart.
I felt the fear from the other side of the world.
And I send prayers to every person who has been impacted.
It only highlighted the trouble that circulates in so many places in the world today.
It always gives me chills when I sit there and focus on the suffering, pain and trauma that one person endures.
Although I do not see any sense in the behaviours that these attackers demonstrate.
I know the core of the problem starts from a whole lot of internal pain and limiting beliefs.
This is why I am obsessed with understanding human behaviour.
It fires me up to keep driving toward impacting humanity in a positive way.
Today while I sat here with my little mirror reflection.
Under a beautiful tree.
I committed on an even deeper level to ALWAYS choose love and never stop showing up in this
space that I do.
While we held hands and talked about life.
I opened space for Jordy to ask me any questions he had on his mind.
about the world. and about the life we are currently creating.
I knew he had seen the news and seen all of the lives lost.
I asked him to be honest about.
Any fears he may have.
Any concerns he may have.
Any doubts he may have.
So while we held hands.
Away from technology.
Away from the hustle.
We had the most open conversation about the power of Quantam physics.
The power of vibration,
And the power of choosing love.
You see I don’t usually watch TV.
I don’t listen to the radio.
and I avoid the newspaper at all costs.
Some people have said I’m ignorant.
Others say I’m blind.
For me it’s a choice I make for myself.
Because I believe so deeply in vibration, and how thoughts create things.
If my heart and soul is focused on all the war, hurt, pain and suffering every day.
it will force me to operate on that level, only creating more.
So I chose to focus on the things that I know will raise my vibration and shift the planet in a more healthy and happy way.
See some of you know may know me on a very personal level.
Some of you think you know me on a personal level.
and some of you know me from social media.
Either way there is one thing you can be sure of.
That is I am as transparent as I can be for you in person or on video.
The this that I stand strong for is LOVE.
I have this vision that has been gifted to me to impact millions of lives in a positive way.
And while I choose to go against the status quo of staying in a JOB where I can rely on a weekly pay cheque for security.
There are some weeks I don’t know how Im going to pay the rent.
There are some weeks I am so abundant I have to pinch myself.
There are some weeks I will put my son to bed then go and pray while I cry.
There are some weeks I will pick my son up from school and take him for a treat because life has
rewarded me in ways that are worthy of celebrating.
Here’s the thing
It can be so easy to listen to the majority.
It can be so easy to listen to “ego” who wants to stay safe.
It can be so easy to snuggle back into our safety of first world.
It can be so easy to fall into the suffering of the world.
It can be so easy to say. “what the fuck can I really do”
it can be so easy to say “life is short, go crazy who cares”
But what I said to my little man today was yes its hard to hear this news.
But you absolutely can be the change.
You can choose to consciously live.
You can choose love over fear.
You can choose to support the healing of the planet while staying grounded in creating an empire so you can help on a more massive scale.
Becoming a Woman was full of trials and tribulations.
Becoming a WOKE woman who chooses to stay WOKE who steps into her vision EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Has taken a daily commitment.
And such courage and strength.
BUT this is my WHY.
Looking into his beautiful eyes and seeing the impact this conversation had on his heart/
I know if I just don’t quit I can continue to touch one person at a time.
It’s disasters like this that gives me a stronger nudge to never give up. and to continue believing in
becoming the Change so I can show others how to do the same.