Are you able to have creative freedom?
Do you feel you have emotional and psychological
These are questions I asked myself when I was mediating just before I took this picture in Bali in July this year.
I remember it was 4 days after I had competed on stage in my first fitness bikini comp.
I had placed third.
I had achieved more than I could possibly ever dream of.
My physical body was in the best shape it had ever. Been.
My emotional state had never felt so in balance
My belief system had never felt so unstoppable.
But there was something feeling out of alignment . And it was making me feel icky.
So I knew it was time to go with in and create some space to see what showed up.
You see here’s the thing.
Your thoughts, desires and intentions are communicated to the universe through your subconscious mind.
So If I were to ask you to observe what is happening in your life right now.
I can assure you it will shed light as to your inner thoughts and intentions.
And this is why it’s so powerful to observe your life’s circumstances. So you can see the common thread being weaved by your Higher Self.
See here’s what’s dope.
Knowing that my circumstances and life situations will show me and guide me to the path and focus of my life direction.
I can confidently choose to believe I am the master of my life.
By having such a confidence
You can observe with out judgement and know that if things are not in alignment with your “known” innermost desires then you can take action and change something.
See the fail in alignment usually comes from
a “disconnect” from the Higher Self/Soul Self and the personality. If the constructed ego is strong;
then you will not see the pattern from your Higher Self that is now emerging in your life through your circumstances.
You will only see what you don’t want or don’t understand.
When you have that radical self love and take responsibility. You will begin to objectively view what you have drawn in. And honey you will see a pattern emerging that is laying down the steps to your next level of unfolding.
There is SO much I could speak on around this topic.
But what I really wanted to share is.
Since this moment in Bali .
I made some really big decisions about who I am.
What I’m here to do.
And how I plan to do it.
Since becoming so freaking precise about these things.
You can only guess what’s happened.
YESS the universe has mirrored my desires and there have been some epic experiences that have unfolded.
Along with some incredibly exciting BIG changes to come. (Which btw I can’t wait to share with you).
Please note:
Believe it when you get really super clear on what it is you want to be do and have. And you get into aligned action. Honey there is only time and space to catch up to that and it can happen SO FAST!
So how do you do this??
1. WELL you can write down the “what ifs” in a journal. And allow your mind to really play the
“what ifs”, concerns, worries, fears.
Then write down the #whatifs in hopes, dreams and possibilities and feel the vibrational shift.
2. Allow your mind to fully explore what you don’t want to happen. Then fully explore ALL what you do want to happen.
3. Converse with someone you trust.
Then focus on what is now happening. Once you look at the worst case scenarios without judgement you can then focus on what you do want to experience with excitement.
Changing your outer circumstances begins when changing your inner environment;
By aligning to your own internal timing you connect to your Higher Self. In connecting more consistently with your Higher Self you will receive the wisdom and understanding of your present life circumstances and receive the inner guidance to choose that which is most in alignment with your Soul at this time.
Love Marissa xx
#flipthewhatif #possibility #alignment