October 7, 2017
October 26, 2017
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The thought of making a life change can be so intimidating that even though you want to be the master of your own destiny you’ll end up doing nothing or settling for less than you deserve simply because you’re so afraid of that change.

We are almost at the end of ANOTHER
12 month year cycle.
And I see you fearing going into another New Year with the same limiting beliefs.
With the same Identity as 12 months ago.
And with the same daily habits, (that of course you plan to change.)

Thats right.
I see you saying, yeh I’ll do it tomorrow.
Or maybe next week, next month or even worse…next year.
I see you blocking your own abundance because your afraid.
I see you holding back.
I see you freak-ing OUT.
I see you waiting for the perfect moment.
I see you dipping your toe of “interest” but just not being prepared to leap with both feet.

AND guess what honey.


I get it.
It’s not what you really want.
Its definitely not how you believe you should be living your ideal life.
Its that struggle between having awareness of a different way.
But not having the faith of trying something new.

Here’s what I know.
Three descriptions
Could have.
might have.
should have.

And they all suck shit!
Because there are two basic human emotions that are the driving force behind each thought.
Each daily inspiration. and that rare but pivotal new-chapter, life-changing decision.
Those things are FEAR and LOVE.

See It was Three years ago I made what some people would call an irrational decision.
I had a great job, a flexible boss. a successful reputation and I earned great money.

My environment was powerful .
I had a community of loving and supportive souls who celebrated me and one another.
But there was something deep inside me the was feeling so empty.
It was a feeling that I just couldn’t shake.

Halfway through the best year of my life to date.
I decided to make a monumental move.
I quit my job and decided to build my dreams instead of someone else’s.

I returned to university to study fitness and health.
I enrolled online to become a NLP coach.
I became obsessed with understanding human behaviour.
I also worked every other moment on a network marketing business that i deeply believe in.
I took a leap of faith in myself and what felt good for my soul.

As we oftentimes do when it comes to making big decisions, making career changes, new financial investments, Or new relationships. I doubted myself a thousand times over about the choices I had made.

But heres what blows my mind.

While waist deep in fear and doubt.
Strangely enough I was also on an exhilarated high. Each morning was an adventure. something new.

It has been 3 years of building the Marissa Lewis International Empire.
Each day brings new opportunities.
It has been a journey of many many failures, but because I believe every failure is a success.
I keep moving forward and swimming in possibility.

My vision has expanded through his time.
my passion to create positive change has never been clearer.
My desire to live into my soul purpose has never been stronger
And that’s why exactly 30 days from today I board that plane to fly to Australia to continue my dreams.

And yes the thoughts are overwhelming at times that I’m doing this AGAIN.
Yes there is emotions that I will miss all that I have created here in New Zealand because things are going so well.

But honey guess what….

Life is too short and far too precious to waste time going through the safe motions that distract you from what will really bring you that deep authentic joy, happiness, abundance & prosperity.

For the past 5 days I have literally dropped all the things that required me to DO anything.

I committed my full time and energy to up-levelling. To quantum leaping. To letting go of all the old limiting beliefs and old identities that have been holding me back.. and I’m still on this journey:

It’s been about moving into the new.
Calling back my power..
Its been about honouring the space between no longer and not yet.
Building myself confidence to taking that next leap into experiencing true abundance and prosperity.

Because for me it’s this.
If you always attach positive emotions to the things you want, and never attach negative emotions to the things you dont, then that which you desire most will invariably come your way.

And here’s a clue for those who keep looking for external approval to take that leap:

People who suffer the lack of abundance, joy, love, fulfillment and prosperity in their own lives may try and impose their self-limiting beliefs on your reality experience, but acknowledge this fact, smile and never surrender your hopes and dreams to the fateful limitations others have placed on their own lives. the vision of your true destiny does not reside within anyone elses concern. learn to accept advice based on the evidence of actual results.

HOW DO YOU CREATE A BELIEF THAT #WHATIF it works and YOU actually can live more of what YOU love?

Follow these 10 steps

1. Assess how things are now.

2. Accept yourself as you are.

3. Take responsibility.

4. Identify what you want to change.

5. Commit to making that change.

6. Educate yourself.

7. Set goals.

8. Take aligned action toward your goals.

9. Have compassion for yourself.

10. Take time to reflect.

I love you and I believe in YOU.

Marissa xx❤️

P.s keep dreaming…keep believing and go create what ever is in your heart!

The #whatif project is launching in November.
This is going to be NEXT LEVEL. Your opportunity to quantum leap and dive deeper into these methodologies.


Photo credit | Jorgeo Canales ❤️