March 8, 2015

Just Let it Go

Let it Go! Marissa Lewis As I found stillness tonight  before I rested, I found myself a lil heavy due to a situation that occurred throughout […]
June 17, 2016

Do You Live In Reasons Or Results

As humans, most of us live in the space of reasons, versus results . And yes I have been one of them! Thing is I have […]
June 17, 2016

Is Communication the problem?

Through my life and experiences this is totally my view on reactions. Action triggers reaction, and how you react emotionally is a choice in any situation. […]
August 2, 2016

Life is Energy

Life is Energy! Marissa Lewis Life is energy, we are all so capable of creating a moment to be amazing or destructive.. Make sure you be the […]
October 2, 2016

DO you know nothing can stop u from being the person u choose to be today?!

That’s right !!!! You. YES…..YOU , have UNLIMITED Drive Creativity & Motivation And hell yes you are in FULL control of your life! Yes yes You […]
October 2, 2016

Trusting Yourself First

Today I woke to the sound of the rain on the windows. honestly its one of my favourite sounds that brings me a sense of peace […]
October 9, 2016

What does LOVE mean to you?

//LOVE I believe in Love I believe in that deep mind blowing unreasonable Fierce Crazy Beautiful LOVE!! what about you? In fact sometimes I sit here, […]
October 16, 2016


After speaking to one of my soul sisters and just flowing as we do with our conscious converations Something MASSIVE landed for me It was like when […]
October 23, 2016

Do You Ever Take On Other Peoples Energy For The Wrong Reasons?

Here is an example of where I “almost” took on someone else’s reality and energy. And if I hadn’t have caught myself. How destructive that could have […]
October 30, 2016

Let Your Tears Guide You…

No matter how hard life feels at times, remember you have a much bigger and more powerful force that has your back!   It is there […]
November 6, 2016

Do You Ever Feel Disconnected?

Lately I have noticed a lot of negative self talk in my head around my environment. I have one of the most powerful environments however I started to question […]
November 13, 2016

Do you have an Anchor?

You know when I used to hear the word anchor, I would think of when I was young and how my family, and I would go out […]