November 21, 2016

How do you feel about Setting Intentions?

You know if someone had of told me to “set intentions” 5 years ago I would have been like, “saaayy wat’?? But as I now do […]
December 11, 2016

It’s Raining Diamonds Baby!

  Holy MOLY. Do you feel that? The Energy thats circulating RIGHT NOW?. Everywhere I turn, I see people are waking up to their Genius, Gifts […]
January 18, 2017

Time to take off those Daym Shades

Yeh you know it… I see YOU hiding! I see YOU pretending ITS ALL PERFECT, when its NOT. I see YOU telling everyone around you, its […]
January 29, 2017

What’s my next Move?

Do you find yourself sitting there some days and you just really have no freaken clue what your next move will be? Lets keep shit real […]
February 27, 2017

Want to know what the stairway to Freedom Looks Like?

Freedom LOOKS so different to each of us RIGHT! Some of you want more money. Some of you want more time. Some of you want more […]
March 21, 2017

Over-ridding that overworked and overwhelmed feeling

Of late, I have been heavily observing my friends and family around me with what their lifestyles demand of them. We are into the 3rd month […]
April 4, 2017

Do You Struggle to know the difference Between Feeling Selfish and Choosing Self-Care ?

Well this beautiful creation here is not only my son, he is my MIRROR REFLECTION. And being solely responsible for raising him as a king day […]
April 20, 2017

Yesterday’s a closing door. You don’t live there anymore. So What direction are you looking in

How often do you return to your past in your mind? How often do you feel you’re taking one step forward, then steps back??? And […]
April 26, 2017

Do you take advice from people who don’t have to live with the result?

This is an interesting topic for me to talk about because a large part of what I do with my life is write about how people […]
May 7, 2017

What you see in the Mirror Should be your standard of Beauty – Not anyone else’s

So tell me. What is more important – how others value you or how YOU value you? YES, Honey I see you. Every day you wake […]
May 12, 2017

Unleashing and Unlocking your truth

Who here believes when something happens against what they TRULY desire, that it’s just fate? Well if you answered yes. I’m here to distrupt your thinking […]
May 12, 2017

Self-growth is delicate & confronting. But there is no greater investment honey

Are you craving to be more and show more of who you REALLY are, but just don’t know how . Because revealing these intimate and vulnerable […]